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About Us

Welcome to the bigest association of Silk city Surat. This association known as TEJAS. Actually the TEJAS naming has been done by taking the first letters from every word of the TEXTILE EMBROIDERY JOBWORK ASSOCIATION OF SURAT. TEJAS Organization works on the principle of Authenticity Transparency and Reliability. TEJAS was formed on 15th August 2020 by 18 members actively involved in embroidery jobwork industry. It has been providing guidance and services of various kinds to its registered members and also to its non registered members to certain extent.


TEJAS is the foremost and non profit organization of Surat having more than thousands of registered members. These members are associated with Computerized Embroidery Jobwork business.

TEJAS is carries business and technology upgradation programmes through social media and live seminars.Tejas always stays with its members and solve the problems

Soon we are going to launch TEJAS Organization application for ease of business as well as transparency.

About Tejas App

Quick & Easy Process With Best Features

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Responsive web design

Modular and interchangable componente between layouts and even demos.

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Loaded with features

Modular and interchangable componente between layouts and even demos.

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Friendly online support

Modular and interchangable componente between layouts and even demos.

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Free updates forever

Modular and interchangable componente between layouts and even demos.

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Built with Sass

Modular and interchangable componente between layouts and even demos.

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Infinite colors

Modular and interchangable componente between layouts and even demos.

Contact Now

  • Address

    100 Yellow House, Mn Factory, United State, 13420

  • Email Address
